Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Growth spurt and what not.

All I keep reading about when I type in the google machine "why is my baby feeding more?" Is "its probably a growth spurt, they happen at 2, 3, 6 weeks old blah blah". Well how long do these growth spurts go on for hey. One feed? One week? Obviously not. Why dont they just say "your baby will have a growth spurt from the minute they are born up until 12 weeks" were pretty much covered then. Again with routine. Just say "dont bother with getting your hopes up that your baby will sleep for 4 hours at a time because they're going to have a growth spurt and all will be thrown". No confusion there. No lies. No getting my hopes up thay sleep is on the horizon.

"Sleep when baby sleeps" BALLSHIT. How do you expect me to do this! Im sure all parenting websites are talking at first time mothers. Sleep when baby sleeps. Pah. My house would be utter mayhem. Flynn would run riot. But I suppose I would have caught up on sleep to deal with the dilemma.

Thank god I haven't clung onto every bit of advise ive read/heard otherwise I'd be pulling my hair out. Instead ive decided to go with my instincts and feed baby when she wants to be fed. Clean when I get the chance. Play with flynn as much as possible. And laze in my pyjamas most of the day. Lazy yes. Helpful extremely. Why waste what little brain power I have at the moment on the small things. Babies come first. Happy quite babies. Happy calm mama!

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