Tuesday, 30 July 2013

'Nursing rooms'

I'm not shy about breast feeding. Rewind 3 years ago and the thought of feeding in public gave me palpitations. Just the thought of the flap of latching Flynn on and people catching a sneak peak of one of my nips or milk spraying an innocent coffee drinker definitely made feeding in the changing room appealing. 

Nowadays I'm a braver mama and whack em' out when ever Isla needs. In the 7 months I've fed Isla I've not once fed her in a changing room which has a very thoughtfully placed plastic chair in. Funnily enough that doesn't really seem comfy to me. Not until the other day when Isla and I were out shopping by our selves, she'd done one of those glorious explosive shits, so off to the changing room in Asda. All good. She won't go back into the pushchair with out screeching. A feed it is. Sat in a chair opposite the toilet, that had poo splatted on the floor next to it. A few weeks later when in the same loo to change Isla, the chair had moved to a different wall, alas still facing in the direction of the toilet. Not to mention the toilets had been refurbished weeks before, still looking exactly the same.

This isn't the first changing room I've seen with a unappealing chair plonked in. Clearly the people who design these spaces have never breast fed or don't have children. 

Lesson learnt. It just reminds me of why I said no thanks to a offer of feeding in the changing room at the hospital when Isla was about 10 days old. The offer from a nurse. I said no thank you politely and thought nothing more of it until now. And now I'm thinking 'how effing rude'.

It's a good thing I'm less shy now and I don't mind where we feed. I've fed Isla sat in the park, sitting on a railing watching the boys crab fish, on the beach, sat on a wall for all the traffic to see. Doesn't bother me. What does bother me however is that people think nursing mothers would like to sit in the toilet to do something as natural as putting food in your own mouth.

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