Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Flynn turns 4

In 2 weeks my little curly one will turn 4. I say it a lot. People say it a lot. But I really mean in when I say where has this year gone. It literally feels like just last month it was his 3rd birthday party. 

He's grown so much in this past year. From a toddler just learning to boy with lots of opinions and witty-ness. He is very clearly a proper boy into proper boy things. Football, Spider Man, The Hulk, fighting, building, and computer games. As soon as he see's our guy friends coming he's straight in there with a fist pump and a play fight. As soon as Daddy comes home it's a "can I play you file on Zelda". He's for ever putting Isla in jail and showing her how to play with his Batcave. He's all about the rough and tumble.

Teeny tiny

Take a step back from this and he's quite a sensitive creature. He needs kisses and cuddles (on his terms) and has to know what we're doing that day and where we're going and who we're going to see. He likes to tell you how he's done something. And when he says look, he really means look. He watches Peter Rabbit before a bed time story and likes to be carried to bed 'like a baby', by Daddy always. When he cries it's a real heart felt, tearful cry and you can't help but run to the rescue. 

Sibling, no?

3 has definitely been a testing year. Terrible two's, shitty three's. I can only wonder what 4 will bring. As the year has gone on he's shown a real personality and a massive leap in behaviour. He can get his point across now which has been a huge help. Nursery has been a god send and he loves it. September brings school. I'm definitely more nervous then Flynn! But he's ready. He's ready to learn instead of play. He's ready to make new friends and start new adventures.

We have horrible bad days when I shout too much and he doesn't listen much but more often then not our days are good and I love watching him want to try things by himself (even if it does include a million and 1 questions). I love watching him with Isla, showing her all the things he knows and she tries so hard to copy. I cannot wait for 4, and I'm more then sure Flynn can't wait either.

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