2012 has been a lovely year here at the Holland house hold. Here's some of my highlights..
· Moving to a lovely bungalow with a garden - it's been a bit of a building site at times but it's starting to look like home.
· Up the duff! A surprise, we always wanted more kidlets but we would have liked to plan it! Hey ho, we are very blessed.
· Flynn turns two! My baby boy is growing so fast it's unreal! He used to be a wee little cherub and he's growing into a cheeky toddler right before my very eyes!
· It's a girl - I tried so hard not to get my hopes up for a little princess but I'd be lieing if I say I wouldn't have been a tad disappointed if it was a boy. I even asked the sonographer if she was sure and not to tell me if she wasn't 100 percent!
· Isla Lei - in my head I was secretly praying she would arrive on the 21st, my Nans birthday. Someone some where love's me and listened deeply, this was the best thing that's happened all year by far, it made mine and my Nans year for sure!
· Christmas as a family of 4 - I couldn't have asked for more to be honest, seeing my big boy open ALL his presents and then some, with my baby girl tucked up known her crib could not have made me any happier!
· Breastfeeding - I really struggled with Flynn and after 10 days we moved on to exclusive expressing, hard times I tell you! We are now at day 10, although mastitis has struck, we'll get through it and will enjoy feeding for as long as we can.
We've also had some really tough times with money! Alot of the year has been spent worrying and worrying more about how we'll survive on a miniscule budget but we'll get there, we always do.
So here's to a good 2012 but an even more special 2013 as a foursome!