Tuesday, 30 July 2013

'Nursing rooms'

I'm not shy about breast feeding. Rewind 3 years ago and the thought of feeding in public gave me palpitations. Just the thought of the flap of latching Flynn on and people catching a sneak peak of one of my nips or milk spraying an innocent coffee drinker definitely made feeding in the changing room appealing. 

Nowadays I'm a braver mama and whack em' out when ever Isla needs. In the 7 months I've fed Isla I've not once fed her in a changing room which has a very thoughtfully placed plastic chair in. Funnily enough that doesn't really seem comfy to me. Not until the other day when Isla and I were out shopping by our selves, she'd done one of those glorious explosive shits, so off to the changing room in Asda. All good. She won't go back into the pushchair with out screeching. A feed it is. Sat in a chair opposite the toilet, that had poo splatted on the floor next to it. A few weeks later when in the same loo to change Isla, the chair had moved to a different wall, alas still facing in the direction of the toilet. Not to mention the toilets had been refurbished weeks before, still looking exactly the same.

This isn't the first changing room I've seen with a unappealing chair plonked in. Clearly the people who design these spaces have never breast fed or don't have children. 

Lesson learnt. It just reminds me of why I said no thanks to a offer of feeding in the changing room at the hospital when Isla was about 10 days old. The offer from a nurse. I said no thank you politely and thought nothing more of it until now. And now I'm thinking 'how effing rude'.

It's a good thing I'm less shy now and I don't mind where we feed. I've fed Isla sat in the park, sitting on a railing watching the boys crab fish, on the beach, sat on a wall for all the traffic to see. Doesn't bother me. What does bother me however is that people think nursing mothers would like to sit in the toilet to do something as natural as putting food in your own mouth.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Happy weekends

After a week of naughty toddlers (not just mine), lots of moaning (not from me this time!) and reading horrors in the news (anxiety alert!!) We've had a lovely weekend. Nothing out of the ordinary but lovely all the same.

Naughty, screaming toddlers have been the massive pain in my ass this week! Mine included but mostly other toddlers with the tantrums and crying! Oh god that screaming cry that goes straight through me like a knife! Like I said flynn is no saint and can bust a tantrum like the best of them but seriously these other toddlers were unbearable! And when flynn and I had a day of just us I realised he's alot easier to snap out of these tantrums then some of his friends (like I said he's no saint!)

The moaning is normally done by me (i try not to, honest) and I like a attract people that like to moan to me about day to day life. Fine we all deserve a moan. But sometimes I like normal conversion. Away from the moan and drama. I need less drama and more calm. Hommmm.

Not really horrors but bad news I suppose. A 9yr old girl got knocked over by a cyclist in our area on Friday and the nasty idiot cycled off leaving her in a fatal condition. He did hand him self in the next day but it left me seething that any one could leave a child in such a state. Then there's the train crash in Spain and a man somewhere in the world who done horrible, unthinkable things to some girls but skipped the death sentence because he offered to do life in jail. How he has the choice is beyond me!

Enough of the groan! To gather my inner calm we went to my favourite beach, which is never busy or dirty and the water is shallow enough for flynn to play in with out me dying of a heart attack. Normally there's cockles but we only found diddy ones. Flynn amd daddy had fun splashing arojnd in the freezing sea whilst isla and I had a cwtch on the sand. Bliss. And then we went for a drive in the lovely area which bends all around the beach. So lovely to see families out doing things they enjoy. I miss all these things as I'm too busy thinking about the next thing I have to do.

Today was spent us having our pictures taken (more on this later) and going to the local funday at the park. Fun happy family time. Tainted only a little bit by some moaning (not me, all about the calm) I will not be dragged down, I will not be dragged down. New mantra!

All for the calm.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Catching up

Ive been catching up with some things (sleep definitely not one of them). Nothing important, mainly housework and people. Although the housework is lacking. Oops. I've been trying not to think too much as well. It hurts my brain, and the kids do that as well. So I've been trying to lead and easy life, hense the no blogging. Sorry about that.

Lots of things have come to mind. My exercising, wedding's (not mine don't panic), the kids driving me crazy nuts, my lack of enthusiasm towards housework, my love for this current lush weather. But I haven't blogged.

So instead I shall update you with insti pics
