Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Can someone please snap me out of this mother of a bad mood! Its been hovering for a couple of weeks now and it's making me one of those mothers I don't want to be. Shouty, short patients and an extreme grump. Poor Flynn is getting the brunt end of it. Every time I shout louder then necessary or tell him off for the stupidest thing i kick my self and then ill see him playing nicely and feel extra guilty!

I know the problems that are making me feel this way. A multitude of lack of sleep - Isla likes to wake up 3 times a night of recent, money worries, the decorating if half done and the house is falling apart around us, flynn is in a whiney/I'm not listening to you stage which is driving me barmy! Just to name a few. And the fact that I let all these things get to me the way they do brings me down a little more.

I'm even boring myself blabbing about it. Just snap out of it woman!!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Isla at 6 months

My iddy biddy girl is 6 months old today. I'm freaking out at how fast shes growing. Everyday shes learning different things and wants to be doing new things all the time. When Flynn was born I just couldn't wait for him to do the next thing. To role, to have his first solids, to sit..literally all his 'firsts' I just couldn't wait for. With Isla my attitude is completely opposite. I just need her to be a baby for longer. Isla had solids later, she's still in her bassinet and still rocks her baby grows. I've also breast feed isla for 6 whole months. Something I thought I would never be able to do (me and flynn lasted 10 days before going on to expressing) and I'm so proud of us for sticking at it!

She loves to play on her play gym and roll over and then scream after 4 minutes. Kisses and cuddles from Flynn mesmerize her. She has the tickleist (we all know that's a word) chin and arm pits. The diddiest feet. And smiles at anyone and everyone but saves the biggest smiles for her daddio!

Here's to the next 6 month's!  I can't wait to see what Isla does next but I'm not gunna lie she can stay a baby for longer!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Dear Flynn...(may contain very soppy stuff)

My gorgeous boy you've turned 3 today. I never really thought past you're 2nd birthday to be honest, the first two years were hard and full of learning but we survived. We also had a lot of fun. I struggled but I always tried to make sure you were happy. Then the 3rd year and you're a whole new person. Bright, funny and full of character. A lot of parents say this about their children but this is you down to a T. You make me laugh, cry, angry and damn right nuts. But at the end of the day when you snuggle in and ask me to carry you to bed like a baby all is forgotten and you just melt my heart.

You love football, spider man, the garden, running around like a loon, singing along to the songs of Disney junior and kissing baby Isla like it's the first time you've ever seen her. Some days you drive me so potty I feel like a terrible mother. But then someone will comment on how polite you are with your "pardons" and "please's and thank you's". You make me see that all our hard work pays off. And I really love you more then I can put to words.

I'm so proud to have shared the past 3 years with you Flynn. You brighten my life and I couldn't ask for any more from you. Apart from stop growing so fast, I can't take the emotion.

Keep being amazing my punk. I love you.