Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Woolwich murder

I'm not religious. I'm definitely not political. But I have morals and a view on life. My view right now is that I should be fast asleep like my babies but cannot stop thinking about what the hell is going on in Britain today. A man has died. An innocent soldier going about his own business. Not even on the front line and he's been murdered. A true tragedy. But all I'm seeing sprawled across facebook and the likes is racism, hatred, stereotyping and alot of pointing the finger. Im actually disgraced by this nation. Yes those men have done a terrible crime, and in my eyes should be put to the death sentence. But we're all as bad as one another if racism and the likes comes into it.

We should all take a step back and think about the poor victim and his mourning family and friends that have lost someone so dear to them. Think of the true victims here. Not the scum who did this unthinkable attack, who clearly want the attention.

Britain needs to have some dignity.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Mother's moan

Once a month, for about a week, I have a mini itsy bitsy tiny little break down about how little sleep I get. How much cleaning I do but how the house is such a shit heap still. How I don't get a day off. How naughty my gorgeous devil first born can be. How un-helpful my always better half is. How he comes in from work, moans when dinner is and eats said dinner I lovingly made for him and then sits on his ass and moans how tired he is. And falls asleep. Just like that.

No this is not a competition on the hardest working parent in the house (maybe a little bit). We both work pretty hard, he gets up early and is on the go all day. As am I. I am also up several times in the night, half hr a time, feeding and soothing little children. Oh god I miss my sleep. And then have bored toddler to entertain, feed, tell off LOTS, baby to feed, all know a mother day right! So no this is not a competition. Just in need of some appreciation is all.

Yes I chose my 'job'. And love it. BUT it's hard work being a mother of 2. And being a mother of a 30 yr old as well. Just saying. If this subject is ever bought up. If I even moan just a speckle about how I've had a bad day I get "well you go out to work then and I'll stay at home" PAH! There's a joke if I've ever heard one. For the record I don't doubt a baby daddy could the work of a mama. I'm just thinking in our situation this house wouldn't run like it does now. I'm not perfect either.

Swings and roundabouts. This week I'm back to the thinking of I'll just have to live with little sleep, I've got no choice but to clean 24/7, I don't get a day off, and the gym in my only escape. Fine.

This beauty could not have said it any better when my week long foul mood was at it's heist.

See you in three weeks black hole.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Got beef!

No not the tasty kind to feed my lovely family. No no of those lovely beefy dinners this week. No this week and last week and the week before that I've got beef with the chicken pox or I'm starting to think they've got beef with me. I had them when I was 11/12, in the summer, and remember it rather well. The evil never ending itch. The pasty look of the calamine. The scare of the scarring of my face (none thank god). Flynn wasn't too bad when he had them. Only one day he was really poorly and sad. But he could let me know where it hurts.

Now Isla has them it's a whole new kettle of fish! And all those people who keep saying "It's better if she gets them now blah blah blah shit" BULLSHIT! She's helpless. She cries ALOT. Feeds 20 times a day. Up 3/4 times at night. Let's see how they feel about this when they have to look after a poorly baby who can't let you know what's going on other then in cries. Just to make things better, she's COVERED! All over her back, tummy, legs, bum, face and scalp. Even more then Flynn. Yes, it's possible!! And as they're starting to dry up a little I can see where they're going to scar. Her face. Her beautiful little round face!

Before shit got real.

Like I said these pox have the beef with me for some reason!

To put the cherry on the top, Flynn is back on full form, being a class A monster. How many times do I have to say "don't shout, Isla feels poorly" "don't spit that's dirty" "next time you hit me with that you'll be in the naughty corner" "leave baby Isla alone, she's sleeping". The list goes on and on and on and on and on.....

Breaks my heart